Happy Pride!
Jun 9, 2023

Trilogy staff and clients gathered to raise the Pride Flag in honor of Pride Month. Photo by: Daniel Ranegar
June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, and Trilogy wishes you a very Happy Pride!
This month, and every month of the year, Trilogy celebrates and stands with the LBGTQIA+ community in the ongoing march toward visibility and equality.
This fight has been long. We want to acknowledge that, while Trilogy and other organizations are allies in supporting the mental wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ individuals, historically, the mental health institution as a whole played a role in creating challenges faced by these communities. For example, homosexuality wasn’t removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the DSM) until 1973. And it was another 40 years until being transgender was de-pathologized and the diagnosis Gender Identity Disorder was changed to Gender Dysphoria.
For many LGBTQIA+ people, socioeconomic and cultural conditions negatively impact mental health conditions. Many in the LGBTQIA+ community face discrimination, prejudice, denial of civil and human rights, and harassment and family rejection, which can lead to new or worsened symptoms, particularly for those with intersecting racial or socioeconomic identities. For example, the “lavender scare” was a moral panic about LGBTQIA+ people in the United States government which led to their mass dismissal from government service during the mid-20th century.
The unacceptable conditions that LGBTQIA+ people had been subject to contributed to the events at Stonewall in 1969, and to eventual change and progress towards the full recognition of the human rights of LGBTQIA+ people.
Although we’ve come a long way, we still have a long way to go. Today, violence and threats are regularly perpetrated against these communities, and there are currently 491 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills in legislative review. Trilogy is dedicated to the values of respect and compassion for all. Regardless of how you identify, we wish you a safe and happy Pride!
Your support of Trilogy provides support for people in mental health recovery. Please make a tax-deductible donation today. You can easily make a one-time gift, or choose to spread your support throughout the year by setting up recurring gifts with just a few clicks.